AC Drive
AC Drives are energy saving electrical devices to change fixed frequency (50 / 60 Hz) to Variable-Voltage Variable-Frequency (VVVF) for AC motor adjustable speed controls, which also called variable frequency drives (VFD), frequency inverter, variable speed drives (VSD) and adjustable frequency drives (AFD) by most of manufacturers in accordance with the basic - one of the leading suppliers of low voltage ac drives in China, from single phase 1/2 hp - 5 hp, to three phase 1 hp - 500 hp, we can manufacture a whole range of ac drives in 220v / 380v which have been applied in lots of applications in China and global countries.
AC Drive typical applications are pumps & fans, conveyors, injection molding machines etc, as long as there is an AC motor needs adjustable speed.
What's New?

AC drives market in China
In China domestic, the total estimate market capacity of AC drives should be 110 to 170 billion Yuan, with a scale of low voltage drives for about 70%, middle voltage and high voltage drives share 30 % market. Due to the high-voltage power electronic devices limitation, high voltage ac drives have not been applied widely, it needs the manufacturers make ...

AC Drive for Pumps on Pressure Booster Systems
There has been a lot of debate in the plumbing engineering community regarding the use of AC drives (or variable frequency drive, VFD) in domestic water pressure booster system applications. The debate centers on energy savings and whether or not there is a reasonable payback for building owners on the additional first cost of a variable speed system. This ...

Variable frequency drive for refrigeration compressor
Variable frequency drive technology is an essential component of state-of-the-art refrigeration technology. Users who are both open and interested will soon get up to speed regarding the requirements placed on the system planning and implementation.The following essential advantages are obtained by continually adapting the power of a compressor pack by ...
- AC Motor vs DC Motors
- Considerations of changing DC drive to ...
- AC Drive Harmonics
- AC Drive V/F Control
- AC Drive Carrier Frequency
- AC Drive Working Principle
- AC drives for variable torque ...
- Why use AC Drives?
- AC Drives Offer Benefits Beyond Energy ...
- AC drives in HVAC systems
- AC Drives on hotel air conditioning ...
- Buy a Variable Frequency Drive and ...